ULP Advisor > Rule 11.1 Use lower bits for loop program control flow


ULP Advisor - Rule Table

ULP 1.1 Ensure LPM usage
ULP 2.1 Leverage timer module for delay loops
ULP 3.1 Use ISRs instead of flag polling
ULP 4.1 Terminate unused GPIOs
ULP 5.1 Avoid processing-intensive operations: modulo, divide.
ULP 5.2 Avoid processing-intensive operations: floating point
ULP 5.3 Avoid processing-intensive operations: (s)printf()
ULP 6.1 Avoid multiplication on devices without hardware multiplier
ULP 6.2 Use MATHLIB for complex math operations
ULP 6.3 Use Low Energy Accelerator (LEA) software library
ULP 7.1 Use local instead of global variables where possible
ULP 8.1 Use 'static' & 'const' modifiers for local variables
ULP 9.1 Use pass by reference for large variables
ULP 10.1 Minimize function calls from within ISRs
ULP 11.1 Use lower bits for loop program control flow
ULP 11.2 Use lower bits for port bit-banging
ULP 12.1 Use DMA for large memcpy() calls
ULP 12.1b Use DMA for potentially large memcpy() calls
ULP 12.2 Use DMA for repetitive transfer
ULP 13.1 Count down in loops
ULP 14.1 Use unsigned variables for indexing
ULP 15.1 Use bit-masks instead of bit-fields

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are welcome @ ULPAdvisorFeedback@list.ti.com

What it means

The MSP430 microcontroller CPU architecture provides a constant generator that can generate constants for the most commonly used bits: -1, 0, 1, 2, 4, and 8 (1, 2, 4, 8 are the lower 4 bits in a byte). These constants are directly available for instructions that require access/compare against the aforementioned values. On the other hand, access/compare with other values requires additional cycles for the instruction. Hence, it is best to leverage these constants in the application code whenever possible. The benefit becomes more visible when the access/comparison is repeated in a loop structure. One of the most common use-cases is comparing a program flow controlling variable against certain flags. It would be therefore more power-effective to use the lower 4-bits as the program flow controlling flags.

Risks, Severity

Using a regular bit/value instead of the lower 4 bits for program flow control can add additional clock cycle for each comparison instruction. In a loop structure, the additional cycles executed can add up depending on the number of iterations the program has to go through.

Why it is happening

The code contains at least one loop program flow controlling flag that is not one of the 4 lower bits (1, 2, 4, 8 or BIT0, BIT1, BIT2, BIT3)


If possible, change the loop program flow controlling flag(s) to be one of the 4 lower bits.

Code Example

 #define FLAG_1     1
 #define FLAG_2     2
 #define FLAG_3     4
 #define FLAG_4     8

void main(void) 
  unsigned int i, variable=FLAG_1;
  while ( variable & FLAG_1)
     /* Execute application code */

See the rest of the code examples for all MSP430 devices here!

More Resources

Want to squeeze a few more nanoAmps out of your application? Leverage the e2e (Engineer-to-Engineer) online community to get all of your ULP questions answered! Or, if you are an Ultra-Low Power pro, give back to the community with your expertise.

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