Compiler Advice (on TI Wiki)

Advice 27000: Use Optimization Options
Advice 27001: Increase Optimization Level
Advice 27002: Do not turn off software pipelining
Advice 27003: Avoid compiling with debug options
Advice 27004: No Performance Advice generated
Advice 30000: Prevent Loop Disqualification due to call
Advice 30001: Prevent Loop Disqualification due to rts-call
Advice 30002: Prevent Loop Disqualification due to asm statement
Advice 30003: Prevent Loop Disqualification due to complex condition
Advice 30004: Prevent Loop Disqualification due to switch statement
Advice 30005: Prevent Loop Disqualification due to arithmetic operation
Advice 30006: Prevent Loop Disqualification due to call(2)
Advice 30007: Prevent Loop Disqualification due to rts-call(2)
Advice 30008: Improve Loop; Qualify with restrict
Advice 30009: Improve Loop; Add MUST_ITERATE pragma
Advice 30010: Improve Loop; Add MUST_ITERATE pragma(2)
Advice 30011: Improve Loop; Add _nassert()

Typical Advice

 advice #27004: No Performance Advice is generated.

Why is the Compiler giving this Advice ?

The compiler detects that your compilation is being done using --advice:performance option, but the compiler has no Advice to report. This Advice is issued to alert you to the fact that no Advice is being emitted, and an Advice file will not be created (if one was requested).

What it means

No Advice/Advice file is generated.

Risks, Severity


Suggested Action

To get Hints from the Compiler on improving performance, specify compiler option --advice:performance on the command line.

More Resources

Want to squeeze a few more Performance Cycles out of your application? Leverage the e2e (Engineer-to-Engineer) online community to get all of your Advice questions answered! Or, give back to the community with your expertise.

Go to the TI Compiler's e2e online forum! 

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